flower resembles lavender... leaves resemble lychnis. Inhabitant of the droughty bottomless white sand. Not sure how to search this one...
Either Froelichia floridana or Froelichia gracilis. Height of plant would lean a decision one way or the other. Found it after browsing about 20 pages in A Field Guide to the Wildflowers of the Sandhills Region (NC, SC, GA) -- very handy book. Which sandhills? Ohoopee?
thank you! Ima a fan of southeasternflora.com and I'm not sure why I didn't try there first... Field snake-cotton... Good one... Not the ohoopee... the fall line sandhills.
That's a great site -- I like how searching for white flowers matches on things that will atypically have white flowers, that's quite handy. Also, sounds like a intriguing locale.