I have a beautiful 9 year old fringe tree and I just noticed about a week ago the the leaves are gradually turning black. I also have a fringe bush and its doing the same thing. The bush is blooming whereas the tree is not. Any one know whats going on?
never use pesticides but i was thinking of using fungicide til i read it harms fish and i have a pond. yes we did have a hail storm not too long ago but i dont think its that any other suggestions?
Really need to find out exactly what is happening first. Try taking samples to Extension office, Master Gardener clinic or trusted garden center with someone on staff who might know.
This may explain the lack of blooms. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A19661-2005Mar9.html These sites talk about pests and diseases on the last pages. Native fringe tree - Chionanthus virginicus http://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/trees/CHIVIRA.pdf Chinese fringe tree - Chionanthus retusus http://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/trees/CHIRETA.pdf Newt