Free California Buckeye Available

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by Ed Montague, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Ed Montague

    Ed Montague New Member

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    Richmond, B.C.
    We have a California Buckeye grown from seedling in our front yard in Richmond, B.C. (see photo attached taken last June 2013) that is going to have to be either moved or destroyed, as the new owners of the property next door are intending to redevelop (turns out the tree is partly on their property). We would like to find a new home for the tree, as we really don’t have any other place on our property to try to relocate it to, and would hate to see such a beautiful and unique (for B.C.) tree destroyed after nurturing it for so many years.

    There is some urgency, as construction next door will be going ahead shortly.

    Please contact if interested.

    Attached Files:

  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Should be bare-rooted so as to get as much root as possible; do not know how tolerant this species is of transplanting in large sizes - it may not really be feasible at all. Specimen was destined to grow out over the pavement and drop buckeyes onto it in current location anyway. One at the Carl English Botanical Garden in Seattle had an average crown spread of 52' in ~2005. Species is also narcotic to bees, so that after it had grown over the paving affected bees were liable to be on the paving during flowering time.

    An interesting, conspicuous and drought adapted specimen but like all trees needs to be placed in the right spot to work out.

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