hello, can someone recommend me some fragrant vines for zone 10(India/Pak subcontinent) which are easy to propagate by seed. i am a beginner in gardening. i can provide full sun and i will plant in big container. Currently i have got following vines: poet's jasmine gardenia jasmine jasmine polyanthum jasmine nitidum star jasmine honeysuckle (i am not sure which variety it is) wisteria (its 5 feet long, not flowering yet) ipomoea Alba (moon flower) Quisqualis indica (Rangoon creeper) pandora jasmine i know clematis won't work in my area. i tried mandevilla laxa but its flowers are not fragrant. any names would be welcome. thanks, Khabbab
akebia will do in zone 10. i have read everywhere on internet that it will survive only till zonr 9. references are davesgarden and floridata.com. Passiflora is annual here. dies in winter.
Zone 9 is the lower limit, not the upper one - Akebia will do fine in every zone above 9, but below 9 it becomes an annual. Passiflora edulis and Passiflora mixto are fine in zone 10 so long as you give them a bit of winter protection.
Stephanotis floribunda (madagascar Jasmine), Allamanda cathartica Williamsii or A. schottii Halley's Comet (evening scented), Chonemorpha fragrans (climbing frangipani), Jasminum sambac (Arabian Jasmine, more a sprawling shrub)