Try lecturing everyone you meet about correct spelling and see how much that changes peoples spelling on a global level!! Ed
Don't worry Cody, the argument is of long standing and ongoing, and your question just fanned it; it didn't cause it. If you pick the actual discussion out of the bickering, I'd say the overwhelming advice is to keep it potted, but that the weed potential of the plant depends on your local climate, which none of us know all that well. This is a situation where you could use (a) trial and error - try some in the ground and watch it carefully, (b) cautious observation - keep it in a pot, watch its behaviour, and then decide whether to set it free, or (c) local experts - a local garden magazine with an advice column, a newspaper garden columnist, a local nursery with knowledgeable people working there... because this is a question on which only people who live where you do will really be able to give you any measure of certainty.
Cody don't worry about them :) they enjoy the fisticuffs. Yes I would keep them in the pot just in case. Besides they look great. Liz
Right, so asparagus is a fern. I'll remember that, and throw away all the incorrect and misleading botany textbooks that say it isn't.
Cody: I'd go with big pots or cement planters to keep them out of the rest of your yard, and then monitor them carefully when the berries appear to keep them from dropping. I had an asparagus patch that reseeded itself from the berries when I gave up on trying to eat it all (usually sometime in August) and I had a heck of a time trying to keep it out of the neighboring carrots, beets, spinach, basically the whole garden the next year. This wasn't foxtail, though, but common garden asparagus. I'm not sure if that changes anything or no. Photopro and Ron B and Micheal F, and anyone else on the common/botanical name digression - shame on you! You have a whole thread devoted exclusively to this topic - why not keep the discussion in there?
Lorax, I answered the question in my first post!! I was lured into a spelling bee!! Cody I apologise for ruining your thread, its not always like this : ) Ed
Its ok everyone i was just glad to hear that i didn't actually start it. So everyone basically said to keep in a pot. I will do that i will probably repot them pretty soon becuase they are in a one gallon pot and have been in there for a while. Thanx again everyone -Codyb