We went on the bike trail again today. We did successfully identify some Virginia Creeper and Amaranth (finally) and have spent hours looking through the reference book trying to identify some others. Ron is right, we need a guide to local plants. Any recommendations anyone who lives near Cincinnati? 1)This plant had hollow stems and a VERY bad strong odor. The lower part of the plant had a reddish tinge. We are guessing Poison Hemlock (Conium maculatum). 2 & 3) A low growing VERY fuzzy leafed plant. It reminded us of lamb's ear (Stachys). It had almost no odor when crushed. 4) These 1-2' plants were everywhere. Small white flowers in clusters. Light odor with crushed leaves. Clear sap. Solid stems. No idea what this is. 5) Very short groundcover with purple flowers and light odor. It was everywhere. Polygonum persicaria?
1 looks like Anthriscus sylvestris, Hedge Parsley 2/3 Mullein, Verbascum thapsus 4 possibly Eupatorium (Ageratina)sp. 5 Polygonum/Persicaria PS Conium has spotted (maculated) stems. HTH Chris
Wait a minute, you mean that 2/3 is the same plant as this one (photo) that WE thought was Amaranth? So we still have yet to find Amaranth? thanks, Jon
I think you are right, the flowers and leaves do look much like this plant: http://www.pfaf.org/database/plants.php?Ageratina+altissima This link mentions that some scientist believe the plant to be Eupatorium, which is what Chris suggested.