5-15cm tall purple or blue coloring with beige to grey stem. normal stem shape. stem tapers - non bulbous base. No veil. convex cap. tight gills. VERY FRAGRANT - Some kind of spice/peppery/buttery smell. It smells to me = kinda gross. Stains blue/lilac after bruise damage and cutting. Found 3 in area of blowdown second growth forest 90% conifer trees, lots of moss - little under growth ie; Salal, holly, huckle berrys. October 19th it is around seasonal temps 12Degrees C. Did i mention that these mush smell?
Looks like one of the purple Cortinarius. I'd confirm it by taking a spore print (should be brown). And the smell - camphor? many Cortinarius have distinct odors.
I took a spore print over the night and, Yes it was brown. Camphor as the smell you'd recken? Like nothing I've ever come across before. I will look into this species. Thank you so much for your help on this, so very interesting to me at this time of year. Joel
We were finding several light purplish species last weekend, including Cortinarius traganus, odor of pears. Thank you for the detailed description & photos Joel! frog
Cortinarius traganus This is a definite match. Fully confirmed. Damn, I never pegged the stank with 'strongly of goats' that made me smile. thanks allot for all the help.