A few interesting plants I found walking in Pennypack park in SE Pennsylvania. Anybody know what they are? I know the blue flower is chicory, but the others I am clueless.
1. Looks like Chicorum intybus. Difficult to be certain as you have no pic of the leaves. http://images.google.com/images?hl=...&q=chicorum intybus&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi
2. and 3. Looks like a Verbascum culltivar. In the U.K. one similar is called V.Cotswold Queen http://images.google.co.uk/images?h...m++cotswold+queen&btnG=Search+images&aq=f&oq=
so far so good. 1 chicorum 2 & 3 are verbascum 4 & 5 silene 9 erigeron 8 looked more like a thistle or something I 'll take another walk and see if I can get some better pics. thanks for all that answered so far i really appreciate it!
8 is definitely some kind of rubus. i have the same thing and mine, it turns out, is blackberry. 9 looks familiar - like something i had a few years back. 'something' philadelphus. a pretty weed.
#8 is Rubus phoenicolasius (Wineberry) - an invasive species in your area (native to eastern Asia). Identifiable by the dense red bristles on the flower buds.