Forum Renovations

Discussion in 'Forum Announcements and Feedback' started by Daniel Mosquin, Jun 27, 2007.

  1. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    As readers of BPotD will know, I'm not going to be around much the next month and a half.

    One of the things I wanted to do before I left was to make a few changes in forums arrangement and presentation, to hopefully cut down on the little maintenance issues that creep up.

    A few forums have been added:

    Wollemi Pines
    Invasive Plants
    Natural History Appreciation

    A few forums have been renamed / repurposed:

    PNW Wildflower ID is now simply Wildflower Identification
    Etaerio - A Plant News Weblog is now simply Plants in the News - you are now encouraged to post in this forum links to items you find in interest in the media. These will continue to be supplemented with topic starters from the Etaerio weblog.
    Fungus and Lichens is now Fungus and Lichen Appreciation
    (and also see note below re: plants by taxonomic group)

    A few forums have been dropped:

    Botanical Gardens and Arboreta is merged into the new Botany, Horticulture and Botanical Gardens
    How to Use the Forums is merged into Forum Help, Info and Feedback
    Your Photos from UBC is merged into Talk About UBC Botanical Garden

    Forums have also been grouped into different themes:

    For Registered Members (a new category for only those forums)
    Trial Forums (same as before)
    Gardening Miscellany (used to be Gardening and More)
    Beyond Gardening (for topics that are still generally related to plants, but not necessarily gardening)
    Regional Forums (so far the only one that makes sense based on volume is Regional PNW of North America, but that could change)
    Food Plants and Ornamental Relatives (slight name change)
    Plants by Broad Groups (generally, groupings based on life form, plant adaptation strategies or specific growing environments)
    Plants by Taxonomic Groups
    UBC Botanical Garden (remains the same)

    I've changed the names of the forums in Plants by Taxonomic Groups to emphasize the scientific name. This doesn't have to stay as such, but I've a notion that it might continue to encourage the high level of discussion these forums generally attract.

    Lastly, I've removed the display of subforums from the main page. This is an effort to introduce more "resources on the web" listings for various forums without causing more clutter.

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