Ok so I aquired this plant from lowes a few weeks ago but it was labeled assorted tropical foliage.I've never really seen a plant like it before so I was hoping I could get some help here.A name,recomended care or even a link would be great.I have 3 pics that should show some of the more defining features. Any help is very much appreciated thanks Matt
It is Aphelandra squarrosa. Here's one link that has culture info on it: http://www.mobot.org/GARDENINGHELP/PLANTFINDER/Plant.asp?code=B576 You can Google for more pix & info.
You're very welcome, Matt! Glad to help! Looks like your plant had a lot of blooms on it. Hope it does it again for you!
Yes it did and thats what threw me off.When I looked at the pic on the link you posted I automatically knew what I was dealing with. Do you have any idea how often it blooms or for how long?
The ones I had a few years ago croaked before I ever saw flowers. :( Mine were an albino type (or variegated...I'm not sure) which I had not seen before or have seen ever since I bought them. Not sure how accurate this is, but my houseplants book has that it flowers for about 6 wks. in autumn. It recoommends you feed it regularly, never let the soil dry out, mist often and keep warm in winter. Good luck!