British Columbia: Formative Pruning How To?

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by Nate Day, Apr 28, 2020.

  1. Nate Day

    Nate Day Member

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    To save on cost, I'm contemplating doing the formative pruning of my Portuguese Laurels myself (planted last fall) but I have been unable to find any video or website that explains in detail the process as it applies to new planted hedge trees. I have found lots of passing references to formative pruning and examples of the results, but nothing that explains for beginners in some detail what formative pruning is and how to do it. This is the first time in a long time that I haven't found any number of videos aimed at beginners.
    Does anyone know of such a resource?
  2. Georgia Strait

    Georgia Strait Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    South Okanagan & Greater Vancouver, BC Canada
    A clear knowledge of your property line

    Plus knowledge of your current local / city bylaws about hedge and fence heights etc

    A long string Line made of durable non-stretch fibre

    A decent durable stick approx 18 inch long to wrap your string up after use so you can use it again next pruning season

    A long carpenters level

    A few long tall stakes to install upright to attach string to

    A pal to help you set up the string line

    Safety gear for you and your helper (eg proper professional eye and hearing protection — ideally the whole face protection .... y’all don’t need a hospital visit today ;)

    Professional gloves

    A tarp to pick up all the trimmings and load into truck or bin

    No kids or dogs to look after on the day you plan to do this

    A pick up truck or other to remove the trimming

    A ladder (make sure you know how to set it up and also where hazards are like overhead power lines )

    A dedicated few hours to do this task (ie not coming vs k to it next wk when the part you sheared has grown a bit

    And of course - the professional tools to do this (hazard alert!)

    My former neighbor owned a company that did maintenance like this and this is what they’d use to set up and trim a laurel hedge that was perfect!

    They trimmed once a year each late spring (June)

    As discussed in your other thread - the first years are crucial to get the right structure / bones ....

    I posted a link to fine gardening article about buxus — yes it was a mature hedge but it’s the process that counts

    Also - what did the professional say to you - did she say it was ok to trim a young new hedge ? Is it the height you want already ?

    Édit: hère is some info fr England - it talks about the upward slope inward (A-shape) too
    Prunus laurocerasus - How To Prune & Clip a Laurel Hedge

    Does your new hedge have 2020 spring growth on it yet?
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2020
  3. Nate Day

    Nate Day Member

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    Hi GS,
    Yes, the advice was to prune hard as opposed to trim to spur growth. At this point, I'm more interested in density than height at this point so they will be pruned accordingly - by whom remains to be seen! And yes, they have about 12 inches of growth at the top.

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