My soybeans (edamame) are young and about 10in tall. I forgot to innoculate the seeds and just realized this. Is it too late to fix this problem? If it isn't too late what can I do. If it is too late, then what will happen to the plants, will they ever produce fruit?
Not being familiar with the procedure, I looked up one reference. Most interesting. Article about soybean seed inoculation. When soybean seed germinates, the bacteria invade the root hairs of the seedling and begin to multiply. It appears the inoculation should take place, when planting the seeds for the bacteria to be effective. My interpretation of the article.
thanks for the response. it seems the only way to innoculate it prior to germination. in anyone knows of a way to do so post-germination or a particular additive for the soil that may help please let me know.