Hi, I'm new to gardening but enthusiastic. My love for maples made me grow this beautiful plant in a pot on my deck. It has some sun and shade. I have found that it looks like something has been cutting into the leaves. do spider mites attack maples? I do find a lot of spider webs on my deck. HELP!
There are a lot of bugs that love chewing the maples (although not the mites, they do not chew or otherwise cut, they suck). I guess that the choices are that either you live with it (as I do) which is, I admit, unsightly; or you spray regularly with a broad based pesticide (which I do for the roses). Gomero
Thanks for the feedback. I will keep an eye out for those suckers. But I found long cuts in some of the leaves. I will probably get some neem oil or just use a diluted tea tree spray. But thanks. It's good to have any info one can. Happy gardening!