I should have started a thread earlier. Today : Acer campestre, the one with cork-bark : Palmatum : hundreds of samaras ! Trompenburg : Not sure many 'Orange Dream' will make it : 'Autumn moon' : This seedling that I thought was from shir. 'A. Moon' but that I now suspect to be a sort of A. circinatum : Acer sinense (I suppose) :
A bumblebee working the flowers on Ichigyoji. Looks like she collected a decent amount of pollen in her pollen baskets...
This is a large 15 year old tree, no clue what it's called but it has many seeds. Really need to get me one of those tame bumblebees that poses for pic's !!!
Here in Boise, Idaho we are having a spring with a lot of flowers and seeds on most of my maples so I took some photos:
The only Acer palmatum I have in the ground is from a cutting of the first I bought in the early 1990s, a 15 cm tree. It's now about 4-5 metres tall and this year has hundreds - maybe thousands of samaras : Not so many seeds on my (potted) 'Trompenburg', just about a dozen, but they're so elegant :
Following on from @AlainK 's post of 'Trompenburg' I am posting a few pics of Japanese maples with upright samaras, starting with my 'Trompenburg': The classic upright samara poster child, Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum': Strangely, 'Sango kaku' ('Senkaki') seems to have upright samaras also; I noted this in a previous year but did not follow through to see if they remain upright later in the season when the nutlets get heavier: And lastly one that is not upright but I really liked the photo and wanted to share, 'Red Pygmy' :
Starting to get lots of samaras now, here are a couple of maples that are fruiting really heavily. A. campestre 'Red Shine' is always prone to botrytis (gray mold), but this year even a lot of the nutlets are covered with the stuff, on the east side.