While the title is probably a bit misleading, I stumbled onto a little trick that some of you may find worthwhile, particularly for those in the areas where they can be grown outdoors. Being a handicapped bachelor with a less than green thumb that has always admired orchids, it occured to me that my 100 lb. plus staghorn fern might just be a suitable medium for them, and after one full year, I'm happy to report that so far it's been a complete success with three completely different species having come into bloom for me. While the staghorn is beautiful in its own right, the fronds of flowers ranging from tiny yellow and brown to large magenta drooping gracefully from within, in my humble opinion, add tremendously to the overall effect, not to mention that it requires no additional care, creating an "idiots guide to orchids". **grin** If there's anything I need to watch out for, any advice would be appreciated.
Good one!! I have a Staghorn that has outgrown its basket, I have a Hoya and a Stapelia in mine. They look good don't they? Ed
Species?? I went home at lunch time and it is an Elkhorn, but same principal. And my Stapelia is gone (???) and now there is a Epiphyllum or orchid cactus or something in there!! I think my wife is playing tricks on me!! I will take a photo this afternoon, if I remember... Ed