I have some plants i need to ID. They are all flowering plants. Of course me not thinking so straight, i started drying them out before i took pictures, so any help at all would be aprreciated. thank you.
well, would anyone be able to direct me to a site than can help me identify these plants. Maybe like plant identification key.
Do you need these plants to a school Herbarium??? Sorry, but they look a bit "overused"... :( Are they wildflowers or garden plants? 1-2. Tagetes sp. (T. patula?) 4. could be a Lavatera sp. Hmmm... just a tip: years ago... I've done my Herbarium with a steam iron (of course very-very carefully!)... at night, before exam day... :)))
We're gonna be testing these plants for toxins and stuff like that, its just for a 2nd year lab. I just found them outside my apartment and in my friends front yard
When it is schoolkids wanting identifications that they've been set to do for classwork, it's like cheating on their work, so we don't answer questions like that. But this is different, the identifications don't win marks, so I guess it's OK to give them here.
any info would be good, liek common names, or anything. I don't really know how they expect us to pick up wild plants and knwo what species they are, because this is the first plant class i've ever taken and the first one that i have to do in my program. If any of you know any sites than can help me identify these plants, that would be great as well, i just need some direction.
Yes, this is fine in this case. I do have to say thank you to everyone who has echoed my typical concerns, but in this case, since the ID is secondary as Michael has pointed out (and thank you folks for establishing it), feel free to ID as you like.