Good evening, I was given a cutting from a plant but the person who gave it to me couldn't remember its name correctly. According to him, it was something like "Ly... anemo...". I won't see this person agiain, we exchanged plants at a kind of amateur plant fair, so I need your help. From what I remember it's supposed to be from Asia, maybe China. If I'm right, once planted it needs very little care, likes limy soil, and has white flowers with specks of purple. Since he got it from a horticulturist, I guess that even if it's rather unusual, some of you must know what it is. Here's a picture:
Wow! Bonsoir Monsieur de la Fountaine, Thank you ever so much. I didn't expect such a quick reply, and I think you got it right from what I checked on the internet. I got it wrong though when I wrote that it loved a dry environment: went back home with several plants from the same person, must have mixed things up... PS: Here in France, "Fontaine" is a very common name, but I've known people whose family name was "Feunteun", which was the equivalent on the west coast, in Brittany I think. You bear a very beautiful name (maybe from Maine-et-Loire?), be proud of it. And thanks again for identifying this plant ;°D
Even better you paper appears to show the full name....Tricrytis hirta. A beautiful plant which over time clumps up really well.