Hi there, When I moved in last spring, this plant had a lovely pink bloom, as seen in the picture. In the fall, I pruned it back hard, as it was quite leggy. This spring it has come back well, lots of new growth, but no bloom. Here are my questions: What is it? How/when does it bloom? When is best to cut it back? Thanks very much for your help with my first posting!!!
Yes: you cut the flower buds off. Many spring-flowering trees and shrubs flower from buds formed the previous summer.
Thanks Ron. It's a nice plant, even without flowers, but I'll know better this fall! Any ideas about what it is? Cheers, Wendy
It must be a tree peony.......it would'nt make any difference to a Herbaceous peony being cut last year.
Hi all, It's a year since my first post on this peony. I have been very good & haven't pruned or otherwise messed with this peony, but still no buds! It looks quite healthy. Early in the spring, there was some additional new growth around the base that wilted and died off, but the rest of the plant looks great. Anyone have a trick to helping this plant bloom? It is in a very shady spot and I am considering moving it to a less shady spot in my garden (sadly, I get almost no direct sun). Should I wait until autumn to move it? Thanks so much for your help!!!
They like sun, lime, good drainage, no root competition, and best moved in the fall. If grafted, shoots can come up from the herbaceous root, foliage will be different, best removed.
Thanks chimera. Sadly, the peony has further deteriorated with most of the foliage wilting and generally looking very sad (nowhere near as nice as the photo I originally posted). When fall rolls in, I'm going to try moving it to a location with better drainage and add some lime. Thanks for the tips!
I had a tree peony in a semi-shade location, and although it would have 1 or 2 blooms every year, just didn't look as good as my other plant in a sunny location. I finally moved it, and the next year it just sprang to life. After moving it, give a year or two before expecting heavier bloom.