HI, Can anyone tell me what this flower is called its botanial name and where can one find it. Thanks Anil
Anil, you will have to join the forums to post a photo of your flower, or come back with a very thorough description.
Actually, after consideration of the facts presented I may be leaning towards - Adenium obesum 'Grumbley White' .. see here for a link: http://www.cactus-mall.com/andre/species.html
Still, there seems to be some resemblance to Amorphophallus titanum, see here and here. Hope this helps...
ok, ok, my last silly reply to this thread, all of them of course in good nature. Chris, I must disagree, I have had yet another inspiration and have come to the conclusion that the flower is in fact: Wolffia angusta check here for further info: http://waynesword.palomar.edu/plmar96.htm
Smallest plant Judging by the size of the photo submitted I would have to agree with jimmyq on the identification of this plant.