I am using the attached flower images to create flower mandalas (see http://www.flowermandalas.org for my collection so far) and would appreciate help identifying them. I am, I'm afraid, hopelessly bad at identifying even the common garden flowers attached here and am grateful for your help. Best, David
1 Pelargonium 4 may be Heliopsis helianthoides 5 Cosmos sulphureus 6 Cosmos bipinnatus 7 Osteospermum
Thanks for your help. Here's the full shot of #6, which shows a little of the foliage. Sorry, but the flower is in Seattle and I'm near Boston, and it didn't occur to me to shoot the foliage at the time.
Thanks for confirming. In the future (ie, next spring) I'll also take pictures of the whole plant when I don't know what I'm shooting.