Hello, Can you please help me identify which flower is this? It grows in the Ladakh region of India. And is often used as decoration of the head gear by men and women.
Welcome to UBC forums! It looks like Hemerocallis fulva flore pleno. hemerocallis fulva flore pleno - Google Search
Thank you! This looks very similar, could very well be. The buds of this flower are used to decorate the head-dress in Ladakh as can be seen here. The World's Best Photos of hanu and india - Flickr Hive Mind
The plant you asked about in your initial post is Hemerocallis as Silver surfer wrote, but the "buds" we see on the Flickr photos are not Hemerocallis buds, -- these are Physalis fruits actually: Stock Photo - India, Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, Kargil, portrait of old Dard man wearing a cap with Physalis alkekengi flowers
I had actually eaten a chocolate dipped, like one of these -- WILDCRAFT VITA: Wild Chocolate Dipped Chinese Lanterns (Physalis alkekengi) in Torino, Italy, without knowing what it was...!! Thanks again!