I planted my onion seeds indoors about a month ago now and in the past week or so all growth has gotten really floppy. is it time to transplant? maybe more sun? or is it best for me to just scrap this bunch and start over? thanks for your help nicole
It appears that its time for a haircut! When the tops get to be about 4" tall trim them back to 3". This will then promote better root growth. My Walla Wallas are in for their second haircut in a few days and then into the soil. They were more prepared than I am!
Hey, I got over eager and had the same thing happen to me with a number of herbs and flowers. It’s lack of light, no doubt about it. I scrapped most of them (I had a billion seeds) and planted them again in containers outside close to the building for frost protection. You could put them outside or do them over if you have enough starters, your call. I just took it a lesson learned and moved on. Michael
My onion starts got 2 haircuts while growing in my greenhouse. 2 weeks ago the pots were moved to an partially open cold frame to begin hardening off, then last week were planted. Don't throw them out, just give them a haircut and begin the process of moving them out to their growing bed!
thanks for all your help! all the onions have been to the barber and i'm trying to get them some more sun. should i be trimming all my seedlings or is that onion specific? thanks nicole
Onions are the only ones I trim. My other seedlings are in a sunroom with additional light from flourescents to keep them from getting spindly.