Hi, this is my first post to your site. It looks like I've come to the right place! I have the 'same old story'......... I inherited what I thought was a Barbed Wire Cactus (Acanthocereus tetragonus) a few years ago. I have recently been told that it is probably a Euphorbia of some description, but have not been able to confirm this. My plant is about 30 inches tall, branching a little as you can see, with what I call 'ears' growing from it. Can you guys take a look at my picture and let me know your thoughts please? Thanks for your help, Henry
Looks like Euphorbia trigonum (African Milk Tree) to me. A true cactus would not have the leaves. Simon
You are a star! - fastest forum response I've ever had. I have googled the name and the pic looks spot on. Thanks again, Henry
That's what it is alright. They get quite large. The first one I had I gave to my sister when we moved to Alaska because it was too big to take, it's now over 6' tall. I have moved back to the lower 48 states now but decided the first one was too tall now to move again so I bought a new one. It's about 3 feet tall. If you put it in a sunny window it'll grow quickly.
The correct name is Euphorbia trigona. (Ref. A Handbook of Succulent Plants vol.1, By Herman Jacobson, Curator, Botanical Garden, Kiel, Germany) Just for info. Some True cacti do have leaves. Pereskia godseffiana, P. corrugata, P. grandifolia & some other cacti too have leaves.