Hello to all... I'mm from Dallas,TX and Just got our first and second Japanese Maples. The first one was a gift to my wife from our kids. Acer Palmatum Dissectum .. Crimson Queen. The second one is a Seiryu. I don't know anything about raising/growing them that's how I stumbled on this site... Anyway, I appreciate any kind of help. Is there a forum here just dedicated to Japanese Maples??? Thanks
The Seiryu will do well, mine is in full sun and i'm up the road a bit from you in Denton. I think its put on a foot of growth in the past 4 months. The crimson queen will burn easily so give alot of shade if possible. Keep it in a container on the porch until it cools down. Keep both moist by watering every other day and add lots of mulch. Get ready for leaf burn.......
Thanks .. I got both transplanted and are part of the landscape. Yes, the Crimsom Queen got a nice shady spot underneath two good size pecan tree and the seiryu is on the side od the house. Will post pictures soon. Thanks for the reply/advice!! Kingsun