evening all. I hope this thread isn't too big, but I recently went on a couple of treks in the woods (one in toronto, one in muskoka), and photographed as many different flowers as I could find. I've spent hours going through my field guides as well as scanning info on the web to try and correctly identify as many species as possible, and now I am done. So, I thought I would post my photos on the site, and kindly ask whoever is out there to tell me if my identification is correct, and also lend me a hand with those species I could not find a name for. I will now proceed to the photos.. I don't know how to label photos, they just seem to upload in a row. So I guess I will number them. (going left to right for each row) row 1 #1. Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) #2. Meadow Parsnip (Thaspium trifoliatum) #3. Cow Vetch (Vicia cracca) #4. Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) #5. unknown? row 2 #6. unknown? #7. unknown? #8. unknown? #9. unknown? #10. Common Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) I did 10 because I don't want to make the file too big. I'll post another thread soon with 10 more photos. thanks in advance for all help!!