Filigree or Flavescens?

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Luke’s Maples, Dec 29, 2019.

  1. Luke’s Maples

    Luke’s Maples Generous Contributor

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    Oxford UK
    Hi everyone, I hope you all had a great Christmas.

    I am looking at getting a new green dissectum for my garden and there are a few that I do not know much about. I already have a 'normal' green dissectum, which is lovely in Autumn but not so interesting during the rest of the year.

    Could someone advise me on the differences between the green varieties. The two I think I like the most are Filigree and Flavescens which I believe have brighter colours in Spring. Also viridis and Waterfall which seem quite similar.


    dicky5ash likes this.
  2. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Hi Luke , Christmas is over, now the acer wish lists start lol. I have Flavescens and its green summer colour is quite striking. Its autumn colour is a lovely gold. I dont have Green Filigree Lace but have seen it for sale in nurseries. The two are very similar indeed but the latter is a little more delicate. My personal favourite of the two would be Flavescens for the better Summer colour. There are so many cultivars that are so very similar to each other and even when placed side by side it's very hard to tell the difference. It really is down to personal choice. Happy new year.
    dicky5ash likes this.

    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    Hi Luke, Got to to be Flavescens all the time the filligree although a nice cultivar can be very temperamental and must be kept in the shade , to much sun and the leaves will scorch, plus the light variegation on the leaves will not come through as well as they should.

    The Flavescens as stated is a sure fire winner just plant any where, it will take the sun no worries and has a beautiful golden yellow hue come the fall. Try a Pendulum julian which has three colours through out the year , again no problem with these will thrive in all conditions red in the spring olive green in the summer and then a stunning golden orange in the fall.

    First three pics are filligree ... Second two pics are Flavescens... and finally Pendulum julian , spring , summer, fall

    What ever you pick good luck with it they are all nice cultivars.

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  4. Luke’s Maples

    Luke’s Maples Generous Contributor

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    Oxford UK
    Happy new year all.

    Acerholic and Roebuk thanks for taking the time to reply. I guess the reason I mentioned Filigree was for the variegated/reticulated properties during Spring.. but if it is too delicate to stand through Summer then I reckon Flavescens is the way forward. Thank you.

    I have a few new cultivars on order from Hippopottering, and I am in contact with Karen Junker regarding a few more. Can't wait till Spring.

    Happy New Year all.
    dicky5ash likes this.
  5. Luke’s Maples

    Luke’s Maples Generous Contributor

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    Oxford UK
    Oh.. I went to Westonbirt today to 'get some fresh air' I wish my Ornatum looked like this in Winter.

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  6. dicky5ash

    dicky5ash Generous Contributor Maple Society

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    Northampton Uk
    Happy new year.

    I have a Filligree, it’s not as large as yours my experience it needs to be treated like Ukgumo in terms of shade but I have not found it unreliable like Bihoo.. I think Filligree is a special cultivar and has quite a special leaf form, very different to many other dissected leaf forms...some with variegation to boot!

    Very nice trees Roebuk.

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