I was given a cutting from a fig tree and grew it in a pot outside (Chicago Illinois suburb location) It grew quite well and produced figs, but ants ruined the fruit. I brought it in for the winter and now am ready to put it outside again. Should some type of insecticide be used and how can I winter the plant. I really have a very small yard and tipping it over would not be possible. Should I continue to keep it in the pot and bring it in for the winter. Can I cut it back, if it continues to grow bringing it in would not be feasible. Thanks for any input. Ellie C
I use a product called Tanglefoot to stop ants from climbing up my apple and fig trees. Other than perhaps also catching some "good" insects it is pretty environmentally sound. Basically you use tape to wrap round the trunk being careful not to leave any spaces between it and the trunk and then you coat the tape with the Tanglefoot which is a VERY sticky gunk which, as the name says, tangles the feet of the ants etc. You could don a paid of latex gloves and take the tape off if you do bring the tree in for the winter. Sorry, don't know about overwintering it. Good luck. Margaret