hi i have 7 fig trees ranging from 2 ft tall to 4 ft tall , one tree started having its leaves curl up then started to devlope black spots and then black increasingly large decay on the leaves. started on one tree then now almost all are doing it . i live in canada i took plants in as soon as it went below 8 at nights. up until this point they were all doing very well tons of fruit. the early onset of this problem in one plant seems to have a black line runining under the leave up the vein can some pls help me !!! it would be very muchly appreciated
ok i think that was par tof the issue i sprayed down wiht organic fungucide seemed to stop leave issues , i have brought all my trees inside as it gets quite cold at night and put them under a good grow lamp the smaller treees are thriving new growth and ripening figs my large tree keeps developing black spots on the figs and as they ripen they are also getting moldy any help would be great thanks