Hi, I have a mature fig tree on Bowen Island. It has lots of fruits that are still on it (I have only just become it's owner) and most are shrivelled and rotting (to be expected!) I'd like to find out information on how and when to prune a Fig tree and how to ripen the fruit if conditions don't get warm enough for it to manage it itself. How do you know when Figs are ripe? It has lots of crossing/rubbing branches. It is approx 20 feet tall with the drip line 10 feet out from the trunk in any direction. It looks almost thickety but has a strong single trunk and no sucker type shoots. I have no idea what type of Fig Tree it is - no labels or history I'm afraid. Thx for any info. you can provide MXB
Typical scenario (for locally successful cultivars) is one crop that is able to ripen and one that is not each year in this area.
its Ficus carica and the most commonly grown variety (here in the uk) is brown turkey..late winter is a good time to prune wear gloves and glasses when pruning.