Some years ago, I was a frequent question-asker on this forum, producing pictures of flowers anyone who knows anything about gardening or botany should have identified without thinking. But I'm neither, and I was seeking the help of you kind folks in a project I then called "The Flower Mandalas Project." The project continued with a successfully funded campaign. Finally, with the creation of my book "Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas," that project is complete. "Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas" is a distillation of what I've learned so far from psychotherapy, Buddhism, surviving a near-death experience, and 60+ years on the planet. The book is a compilation of my Flower Mandala images like the one below paired with meditative quotations and accompanying essays on a broad range of topics. Some examples: Acceptance, Courage, Love, Stillness, Trust, and Will. I'm currently looking for a publisher and just wanted to say "Thanks." David
Thanks. I seem to have advanced to the next level since I posted. A literary agent made me an offer of representation yesterday! I'll post here when, hopefully, he sells the book to a publisher. David