I have recently bought a house with a large, well-established Yew hedge. I have had it pruned (some damage from last winter) and now I am looking to fertilize it. Any suggestions on what and how?
First take a soil analysis to see if fertilising is really necessary at all. Unless the soil is very poor, it is unlikely to need anything.
If you are looking for a dark green colour and some growth 20-20-20 soil drench will do the trick. I use it all the time on hedging for customers that wish to see results. Although I use a deep root method, soil drenching will do the same. There are also evergreen fertilizers available. Your well established hedge will love ya for it! Jim.
Now is a good of time as any. Any time between May and September is fine. With the hot summer droughts we have been getting the past few years I couldn't emphisize enough on plenty of water as well. Jim
Thanks Jim and Ron. I will go with both suggestions -- test the soil and look to 20-20-20 if it needs fertilizing. P
20-20-20 was just a suggestion for sudden impact, you may want to look for an evergreen fertilizer for more specific needs to your Yew hedge. If of course you are needed to fertilize at all. There are many products available including organics if you so desire. Jim.
Soil test report from soils lab should indicate what is needed, if anything and how much of it. Quite unlikely that 20 percent each of N-P-K will be required.