Do you know if the seeds of the following varieties are fertile? - ornatum - katsura - shirasawanum jordan Thank you for sharing your experiment.
Hello my friend, I have grown katsura and jordan. Don't remember what the germination rate was though. I do seem to think ornatum makes fertile seed, also. If in doubt, cut open with a "cutter" and see if there is an embryo. cheers, -E
Hello my dear. The seeds of ornatum are sold on : 01.32.28.webloc (the 3° Maillot site, graines p2), one can deduce from it they are fertile. The seeds of shirasawanum jordan are very large and by opening them(good idea) i found the embryo. The seeds of my katsura are very feew and small, even with good glasses the ambryo is not clearly visible; therefore i don't put them in the fridge. Thank you for your assistance. I wish you a very musical end of the year.
On this topic, I have osakazuki seeds to have very poor fertility. Has anyone else found this. While seiryu and senkaki have excellent fertility.
Do you know that you seeds are viable; that is that they contain an embryo? Maples produce seed even if the flowers weren't pollinated. Inviable seeds are hollow. I suggest that you split/cut open a few of your seeds if you have not already done so.
The age of the tree can also have an importance. I have an Acer palmatum ozakazuki 10 years old. The samares are fertile, but i observed the seedlings obtained are seldum/rarely similar to the ozakazuki variety.