Hi . I have some large ferns growing behind the house . We also have a rock wall in the front yard which gets sun in the am . I am building small rock ledges on the staggered rock wall . I have been planting some perennials which I hope the deer won't like . I thought about transplanting some of the small ferns to the rock wall .Is there a preferred time to do this ? One fern is growing on the wall already but I can't remember if I put it there or it seeded itself .It is doing ok . Advice will be be welcome . Cheers . Roger on Saltspring Island .
Hi Roger, You don't say what ferns you'd like to transplant but I'll give you my two cents worth of experience with ferns. I've transplanted a lot of native ferns over the past few years and I've always done this in the summer on our shady property, with no lasting damage to any of the ferns. I'm talking about Lady Ferns (Athyrium Filix Femina), Sword Ferns (Polystichum munitum), Deer Ferns (Blechnum spicant), Spiny Wood Ferns (Dryopteris expansa), Oak Ferns (Gymnocarpium dryopteris), and even Licorice Ferns (Polypodium glycorrhiza). Most of these ferns are tough as nails (the Oak fern less so), and can take quite a bit of abuse. Just make sure when you plant the ferns that you give them plenty of water the first few weeks, especially if they get quite a bit of sun. Some of the ferns might look a little put-out for awhile by being moved, but next year they'll come back as strong as ever. None of my ferns have ever perished by being moved in the summer. I hope this has helped.
Hi ForestLover. Wow , that question got the old grey matter cranked up this am . I found a couple of books and one was Plants of Coastal British Columbia . The closest I can determine as to type is Lady , Deer and Maiden Hair . Then I saw Sword fern . I live very close to a nursery so I'll take a couple of leaves and see if they can ID . I had forgotten there was such a variety of ferns .I'll let you know which ones they are . Thanks Roger
I took some leaves to Fox Glove a nursery on Saltspring Island . They were ID as Lady , Western Sword and Wood . Bracker but he thought it might be Deer . I didn't know I had so many in a small cluster . Thanks . Roger