Collected these on Mt. Liamuiga on 9/1/22. I have a couple of guesses as to what species a few of these ferns are, but I am uncertain and need confirmation on a few of them, I have no idea about the rest. I have been unable to ID them using other online resources. I believe that most of the species shown below (except Spermacoce verticillata) below are at least pteridophytes. Any ideas about the genera or species in these pictures are greatly appreciated. I included a picture of the environment below as well. Apologies for using so many attachments in one thread. 1) Possibly Hammock Fern; Blechnum occidentale 2) Possibly a Polypodium species 3) Possibly Ovate Maiden Fern; Thelypteris ovata 4) Spermacoce verticillata and an unidentified fern species found growing on the side of a tree trunk. 5) Possibly a Microgramma species 6) Possibly a Blechnum species 7) Uncertain about the genus and species of both specimens 8) Possibly another Blechnum species 9) Found growing on a tree trunk, possibly an Elaphoglossum species 10) Image of the environment
We don't have print resources for tropical ferns on-site here at UBC, so we're limited to what we can find online as well. Have you tried iNaturalist (at least for researching) ? Here is an iNaturalist "checklist" of the flora, which I'm sure is nowhere near complete: Saint Kitts and Nevis Check List This summary report suggests the flora is relatively well-known: I haven't been able to track down this paper: Box, HE and AHG Alston. 1937. Pteridophyta of St. Kitts. J. Bot. 75:241-260.
aloha wonder if this is of any help. the flora of the lesser antilles? Flora of the Lesser Antilles : Leeward and Windward Islands : Howard, Richard A. (Richard Alden) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Happy tuesday