I have some Dasylirion wheeleri that are not very big, I want to know what to feed it with. I have it under grow lights at school. thank-you Molly G age 7
Depends on makeup of potting mix used, for starters. Are they really in need of nutrients or just young?
They're not really very fast growers or heavy feeders. Pretty much any soil mix used here, would have more nutrients than it would in it's native habitat. Often drought tollerant plants will send roots as a priority rather than top growth, to help establish the plant. Cheers, LPN.
They are young plants. They are in a mixed soil, sand and compost. I am going to be selling it when it is bigger to raise money for school. thank-you for answering me Molly G.
You're welcome Molly G. Let us all know here on the UBC botanical forums when your plant sale will be. I hope you raise lots of money for your school. Cheers, LPN.