What an amazing day yesterday. The whole garden smelled wonderful. These Trachycarpus fortunei photos, from next to the main Reception Centre entrance, are really just to show the blue sky. And the blue fruits. Here's Hamamelis mollis, this week's featured plant in the garden. It's off the Kingdon Ward trail below Asian Way. The Viburnum bodnantense near the side entrance to the Reception Centre is looking excellent, and everyone has been stopping to smell it. I put a link to Douglas Justice's article about these in my December posting; here it is again: Newsletter. My new favourite are these Rhododendron barbatum, with their great bark and spikey leaf petioles. They're just coming into bloom now, on Asian Way below the Siebold trail. I didn't get the name for this rhody not too far from the garden entrance, totally in bloom.
I didn't realize those link locations don't hang around. Here's Douglas Justice's text from that newsletter: I can't edit the original posting, so I'll add the name here of the purple one I didn't have the name for: R. ririei.