February 1, 2013 - little fragrant flowers

Discussion in 'Talk about UBC Botanical Garden' started by wcutler, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    We had to look hard to see some of the flowers today, but at least we had the fragrance to guide us. Here is Sarcococca orientalis
    20130201_UBCBG_SarcococcaOrientalis_Cutler_P1390505.JPG 20130201_UBCBG_SarcococcaOrientalis_Cutler_P1390509.jpg

    and Sarcococca confusa. These were both in the Asian Garden, but this one's tag, for location, says "only cultivated".
    20130201_UBCBG_SarcococcaConfusa_Cutler_P1390546.jpg 20130201_UBCBG_SarcococcaConfusa_Cutler_P1390548.jpg

    Lonicera fragrantissima, in the Asian Garden - a pretty good name for it -
    20130201_UBCBG_LoniceraFragrantissima_Cutler_P1390660.jpg 20130201_UBCBG_LoniceraFragrantissima_Cutler_P1390662.jpg

    and Lonicera x purpusii, near the side entrance to the Reception Centre.
    20130201_UBCBG_LoniceraXpurpusii_Cutler_P1390674.jpg 20130201_UBCBG_LoniceraXpurpusii_Cutler_P1390675.jpg

    Viburnum x bodnantense 'Dawn', in the Winter Garden.
    20130201_UBCBG_ViburnumXbodnantenseDawn_Cutler_P1390617.jpg 20130201_UBCBG_ViburnumXbodnantenseDawn_Cutler_P1390618.jpg 20130201_UBCBG_ViburnumXbodnantenseDawn_Cutler_P1390620.jpg

    The Chimonanthus praecox 'Grandiflorus' was the featured plant today. The flowers are a lot larger than the others, at least 2cm. They're very fragrant.
  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: February 26, 2013 - little fragrant flowers

    End of February, the Viburnum bodnantense 'Charles Lamont' by the Reception Centre is probably at peak bloom now.
    20130226_UBCBG_ViburnumXbodnantenseCharlesLamont_Cutler_P1400404.jpg 20130226_UBCBG_ViburnumXbodnantenseCharlesLamont_Cutler_P1400407.jpg

    The Sarcococca are still in bloom. Here are two others: Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna 'Purple Stem' and Sarcococca ruscifolia.
    20130226_UBCBG_SarcococcaHookerianaVarDigynaPurpleStem_Cutler_P1400442.jpg 20130226_UBCBG_SarcococcaRuscifolia_Cutler_P1400413.jpg

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