What are everyone's favorite vegetable varieties? For tomatoes I like Fantastic, Sugary and Mama Mia. - Nice and sweet Cucumbers - Summer Dance - Very nice Japanese type cucumber Bush Beans - Tendergreen - Even when too big they don't stringy Potatoes - Yukon Lettuce - Baby Star- Very nice small romaine type Pepper - Satsuma - A lovely orange pepper Peas - Sugar Snap I Plan to grow all of the above next year, but I am always interested in new things. I am particularly interested in varieties of Squash, broccoli, corn, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, beets, Melons and anything else. :)
Watermelon- have to go with Sugar Baby. Have tried several varieties, and they are by far my favorite, I plant them all over our property every year. At 8-12 pounds they are the perfect size for refrigerator storage. Very sweet, deep red and juicy. They grow very well here and they don't split open like a charleston will if you get alternating rain and high temperatures. Another staple in my gardens is the pablamo pepper. It's ranks rather low on the schofield scale, so it's not overbearing when cooked fresh. Very tastey when pickled, they lose all their heat. I mix them with okra and pickle with garlic, and sometimes sweet pickle them with okra. When the mature pepper is dried it is known as Ancho and is a staple ingredient in chili powder. Also very good softened in water and then pureed and incorperated into sauces. The plants produce a lot of fruit and are easy to grow with very little maintenance.
Thanks monkeydog. I would love to try growing watermelon. Maybe I will try Sugar Baby. Does no one else have favorite vegetable varieties?