Favorite 5 Japanese Maple Cultivars

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Andre, Oct 29, 2005.

  1. Galt

    Galt Active Member

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    Oregon, USA

    'Shindeshojo'--I hope.
  2. Sam1976

    Sam1976 New Member

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    Portland Oregon
    I'm new here and joined because there looks to be a great deal of knowledge and first hand experience here. I'm hoping you folks can help me with tree selection. I've been doing a TON of research and I'm not finding consistent information so I figured it would be best to talk to people in my area that have first hand experience with many cultivars of maple trees. That being said, I'm looking for a green upright acer palmatum that will be 15-20 ft tall at maturity, will provide dappled sunlight through it's branch structure and has yellow to gold fall color. I saw a Saoshika at a nursery that had the growth habit I'm looking for and the tag listed all of the characteristics that I'm looking for but had no leaves on it yet and when I Google images, I see mostly orange/red fall color.

    Pic 1 is a perfect example of the structure I'm looking for and is a Saoshika, I just don't know if it will have the fall color I'm looking for.

    Pic 2 is the fall color I'm looking for which is a Princeton Gold. I like the bright green turning to bright yellow.

    Of course, I realize the perfect maple tree may not exist and I may have to compromise. That's where I'm hoping your experience with Japanese maples in the Pacific NW will help me to pick the best tree for me and my yard. Thanks in advance for everyone's help and suggestions. 1999.jpg Oct-26-022-475x317.jpg
    ceriano likes this.
  3. ceriano

    ceriano Member

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    Richmond, VA
    just curious what did you end up with? I’m looking to add one more JPM to my yard, this will be the last tree in the front yard. Though decision to make.
  4. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Hi @ceriano, I'm not sure you will get an answer, as the posters have not been on the forum for several years. Perhaps create a new thread showing what you have in your front yard and asking for any suggestions for one more maple. I know you will get a lot of replies. We all have our favourites!!
    ceriano likes this.
  5. Connor Sullivan

    Connor Sullivan Well-Known Member

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    Eugene, Oregon
    Top 5 of trees that I own:

    1. Mikawa Yatsubusa
    2. Shishigashira
    3. Amagi Shigure
    4. Ikandi
    5. Ukigumo
    ceriano likes this.

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