Looking for ideas for a unique fast growing tree to plant on the boulevard in between my neighbors and my house. This tree would have to be estetically pleasing and also fast growing as it should provide privacy from the street. My home is near White Rock, B.C., any suggestions appreciated.
Does the municipality regulate tree planting in such locations? Some do: you are supposed to get a permit and work with the city. Seattle, for instance prohibits certain kinds of fast-growing trees.
I've not heard of such "fast growing tree" prohibitions here in British Columbia, in fact many native trees are fast growing. As far as planting on the boulevard, that may be regulated. I'd check which the local city office regarding by-law regulations. Space and ultimate tree size should be taken into account even if no regulations exist. Cheers, LPN (Barrie)
I may have been misleading when I said boulevard tree. The area that I will be planting is in my front yard near the street. It will be replacing a 15 foot evergreen that my old neighbor cut down illegally. There is ample room for a large tree to grow in the area, I just want one that grows fast. I have a large maple on the opposite side of the yard in the front yard as well. Cheers
I have the same prob, I live in a condo and the associ., cut down my trees. I need shade and a block for busy traffic now! I live in WA & I heard that hybrid willows grow 4-6' per year, and are good for blockage.?
How large is large? 15' is next to nothing for a tree. Is that what you want, or something bigger? The hybrid willows will be too wild for condo planting - especially one where trees may have already been cut down as a result of the complaints of arborphobes. How much free rein do you have to plant replacements?
I have 40' of fenceline that faces a street (corner unit). I previously had 2 pines 50', I was told they were removed b/c of disease, but that is not the case. I don't plan to be here longer than 3 more years. I have a steady pruning service. Could they be managed well or am I better off with something else? If so, what do you suggest? Thanks
I'd go for Western Hemlock Tsuga heterophylla - local native for you, fast growing, holds branches down to ground level well giving good privacy. Also a good reputation for not causing problems with foundations.
Thank you for your info regarding fast growing trees. I'm new to this site, you've all been very helpful! LJ