Can anyone tell me why a number of my fall crocuses are falling over? Is it a "natural" personality thing or incorrect planting depth or sun/shade factor or soil type? Mine get only about 2 hours of sun/day and are in acidy soil. I got the bulbs from my mother who's got full sun and alkaline soil and they're also falling over. They'd be much more showy if they all stood at attention. Advice, anyone?
Well they do eventually finish blooming and die for the year. Maybe that's what they're doing. How long did they stand upright before they started falling over?
Too much shade. Full sun best for crocus and colchicum. They won't topple until spent if you replant in sunny spot.
Thanks for responding. They didn't stand up long at all...maybe a week or two. Seems they were very short-lived last year too and fell over even before they were full grown, so I wondered if it was worth the bother having them for such a short time. The mystery is that my mother's are in full sun and they're falling over too. Maybe they need a flower border (fence) around them such as begonias to help them stay upright??? I'll probably dig them all out and try again next year in a sunnier area. Hey, maybe that's why they're called "fall" crocuses!!! If they were called falling crocuses, noone would buy them. :~)
A week or two is plenty of time for individual blooms of these, so you may be getting your money's worth. Timing would suggest you are talking about colchicums, rather than crocuses. Either way, they fall down when done and then shrivel on the ground.
Thanks for the correct name. I recently glanced through a magazine and noticed that they technically aren't called crocuses but I quickly forgot their correct name. Appreciate your clarification.