Fall colours 2017

Discussion in 'Maples' started by ROEBUK, Sep 24, 2017.


    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    Fall comes earlier this year in the UK
    First pic today all the others from last weekend 16/09/17

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    AlainK, opusoculi, emery and 2 others like this.
  2. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Yes, we seem to be 3+ weeks early here, too: the combination of a very hot, dry summer combined with some fall rain and very cold nights is really moving things along. Some maples can't wait to go to sleep! Things are really accelerating as well. Here are

    - early colors in A. palmatum
    - A. shirasawanum 'Palmatifolium' went orange overnight
    - A. saccharum ssp grandidentum, the Canyon Maple
    - A. robustum (A. ceriferim Rehder)
    - A. heldreichii ssp trautvetterii in yellow, A. rufinerve in red
    - A. truncatum 'Akikase nishiki', with A. pensylvanicum already mostly dropped
    - A. davidii 'Selection' and A. pseudosieboldianum, with Liquidambar 'Moonbeam' coloring on the left; 'Silver King' is showing a branch also on the left.
    - AP 'Sango kaku' and A. capillipes 'Honeydew'
    - A. x conspicuum 'Silver Vein' dropping orange leaves as sieboldianum starts to turn. Sango kaku and maples in the new part of the aceretum in background.

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    AlainK, chimera, Jaybee63 and 2 others like this.

    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    emery...Your garden looks super as usual.. lovely pictures , the A.robustum looks like this will be a very impressive tree when it has a few more years growth behind it.
    This is definately the earliest fall season i have had with my trees since i started growing them, as stated by yourself the very poor summer months we have had in the UK and cold wet August and September is a certain factor into the early shutdown of the trees most of mine started turning in August and nearly all of my container trees are leafless now plus quite a lot of the ground planted trees are well into fall colours.

    First two pics i have added are of Omure yama pic 1. last fall 15/10/16 then pic 2. 09/09/17 same tree same spot but no strong yellows this year just straight into a vivid red 80% leafless now.
    Second pics Shirasawanum Aureum 21/10/16 a stunning pastel lilac colour which i have never seen before , then same tree and spot 19/09/17 but again a vivid scarlet, have many more trees that have done exactly the same, completley different fall colours as from last year , plus i have trees that were not so colourful last year which now are quite stunning to look at this fall. A very strange year.

    All this early dropping though as an advantage, get to root and branch prune for next year at least 5/6 weeks earlier than usual , numerous ones have already been done!!

    Hope to see lot's more pics from others over the next few weeks, should see some stunning fall colours this year.

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  4. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Those comparisons are very interesting. You really can wonder each year what your garden will look like.
    These posts have been a great start to this year's thread. I have no business looking at them right now, am supposed to be driving to catch a ferry, but I couldn't resist.

    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    A few of the reticulates from last week , all the trees are well into fall colours now.

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    chimera, opusoculi and dangerine49 like this.
  6. jfuller

    jfuller New Member

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    Vancouver BC
    Beauty photos all around - here in Vancouver BC the acers haven't really started their change, though some other trees are well into autumn colour. I look forward to reporting back on my two maples
  7. dangerine49

    dangerine49 Contributor

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    Long Island, NY
    Great pics! I hope my P&C in semi-shade will look half as good as yours. So far, all I have here is quite a few crispy leaves on my Autumn Moon (me thinks I need to move it too more shade) and a Ruslyn In The Pink (probably from transplant shock since it's new). Although, my Sango Kaku seems to be yellowing up a bit.

    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    Autumn Moon's do need alot of protection i find, mine is kept well out of the sun light and has looked very pretty this year with good deep orange coloured leaves, will be planted out though in the next few weeks for next year in a very shady spot.

    Sango kaku's will perform where ever you put them, a good reliable tree for colouring every year. Never seen a Ruslyn Pink though.
  9. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    Me too.

    I kept mine in almost full shade except for one hour or so before sunset because it's so disappointing to see most of the leaves scorched.

    This year, it looks great, with this pattern of mottled colours that my friends find so attractive.

    September 11, with the last sunrays:



    acershir-a.moon_171009a.jpg acershir-a.moon_171009b.jpg
    ROEBUK and emery like this.
  10. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    My Autumn Moon looks the dog's breakfast!
  11. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    One of my favourite is 'Beni Hagoromo', in all seasons. I'd like to "bonsaify" one, one day. With smaller internodes, it could be a top-of-the-shelf tree some day! I love the leaves that look like feathers :


    I also love the fragile leaves of 'Koto-no-Ito', but they're so thin that a couple of hours of hot sun will ruin them. This one, kept in a shaded place, is still green.
    Not like the 'Tsuma Gaki' in the bottom left of the picture, in the background. 'Tsuma Gaki' is so beautiful in the spring, I'd really like to see "healthy" colours in autumn...


    The first autumn of my 'Trumpenburg'. I loved the shape of the leaves, I love the autumn colours (31/08 and today):

    acerp-tromp_170831a.jpg acerp-tromp_171009a.jpg
    ROEBUK likes this.
  12. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    I'll try to re-use that, hu hu....

    Didn't pass the MOT, one of the 5 safety belts doesn't work. checked it, and saw the marks of my son's dog's teeth on it ^^

    Now I must go to junkyards to replace it.

    Ahhh, anyway, dogs will be dogs, and how can you blame him ? (Now, he's over 60 kilos!):

  13. ROEBUK

    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    Alain great looking dog .....give me a springer spaniel though any day :)

    All the trees now are looking so so nice in the UK at this time, even just riding around in the car the colours are so beautiful every tree you pass is just a riot of colour, never seen fall come so early.

    Any way here are a few dwarfs which are looking quite nice at present , and added a few of the same cultivars you posted earlier , tsuma gaki fall colour and koto-no-ito which is shaded by a large omureyama and has looked so pretty all year , plus my autumn moon going back to mid Sept coloured up a bit more but managed to get the leaves through with out scorching hence the greener under leaves , was just trying a new shadier spot for this year which seems to have worked well , this one is getting planted up to the new large fence which my neighbour erected last year which pleased me no end, all the reticulates love it up there now, really has cut the light levels down which the trees are now liking more and showing better colours, plus i didn't have to pay for it !!

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  14. opusoculi

    opusoculi Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Bordeaux sous-west of France
    All perfect, even koto-no-ito so difficult with heat and sun, compliments.
    Plus, i note your fine make up in case of wind !

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    Last edited: Oct 13, 2017
    AlainK likes this.
  15. ROEBUK

    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    opusoculi... I find these metal rods a must for keeping my containers firmly situated in strong winds , i have all containers up to 40 ltr secured down with these. The wind over the past few years it just never seems to abeit it's constant.
    Over the past week we have had strong winds again, so all the trees which are just nicely into colour are not lasting as long as normal the leaves are just getting blown straight off. We have strong gales forecasted for next week as well !!

    Picture of a Omure yama with all the top canopy leaves gone , still looks ok but it looked better with the leaves on only lasted a good week , when you get this tree right they take some beating for colour i find, although it makes a good shade tree for the koto-no-ito at the moment.

    My only other strap leaf is a Villa taranto which is also shown plus a sango kaku both shining in the Autumn sunlight today, a glorious day for branch and root pruning another six out of the way for next year now, well ahead of when i usually do them all in mid November.

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  16. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Here are street trees in Vancouver.
    Acer rubrum on Burrard Street south of Davie, just south of downtown on a street leading to one of the three bridges out of the downtown neighbourhood.

    Acer saccharum, seen through the garden of the building across the lane from my building. This species is not very common in Vancouver, mostly occurring as street or park trees.
    ROEBUK, AlainK and emery like this.
  17. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    Beautiful colours.

    And very nice silhouette of a "niwaki" in the bottom right...
  18. jfuller

    jfuller New Member

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    Vancouver BC
    My patio's Peaches & Cream has been largely consumed with yellows now, though the green veins remain prominent too. Quite enjoying it. Amber Ghost is still looking the same as late summer, though it's in rougher shape overall anyway.

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    emery and ROEBUK like this.
  19. ROEBUK

    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    Some leaves just don't know when to give up and follow their friends :)

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  20. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Here was my attempt to capture A. japonicum 'Kujaku nishiki' on 13 Oct. I have a really hard time getting anything in the sun when standing in the shade, I think I need to invest in a camera at some point!

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  21. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    On the same day: A. palmatum 'Ariadne'; a nice A. amoenum with good FC and light green leaves; some pots: a dwarf seedling of 'Tiny Leaf', Eddisbury, Aoyagi, A. argutum, Atropurpureum (the real European cultivar); A. saccharinum Laciniatum wieri; A. sinopurpurascens, the last few leaves; A. triflorum, the only view I could see the color with my camera; A. oliverianum ssp formosanum; A. sieboldianum 'Kinu gasa yama'; 'Osakazuki' beginning to turn with A. rubescens 'Yakushima nishiki' in foreground; A. amoenum 'Utsu semi' beginning to color; A. shirasawanum ssp shirasawanum.


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  22. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Here are a few more street trees from my Vancouver 'hood.

    On Barclay Street to the west side of Denman Street, the main north-south street in the West End, are Acer rubrum 'Bowhall', if the city's database is correct. Farther down the block in the first photo are supposed to be A. x freemanii 'Armstrong'. Across Denman going east are A. cappadocicum.
    Acer-rubrumBowhall_1800blkBarclayDenman_Cutler_20171020_152700.jpg Acer-cappadocicum_BarclayDenman_Cutler_20171020_152707.jpg

    Two blocks farther along on Barclay are two blocks of the A. cappadocicum, possibly an older planting. I'm not sure what the red-leaved tree is - A. rubrum or some hybrid or cultivar. It's not listed on the database, which happens to have all these trees listed as something else, but these cappadocicum trees are on a few heritage tree lists.
    Acer-cappadocicum_1500blkBarclayCardero_Cutler_20171020_155019.jpg Acer-cappadocicum_1500blkBarclayCardero_Cutler_20171020_155128.jpg

    Catty-corner to me on Bidwell at Pendrell is a lone A. griseum, planted just a few years ago.
    Acer-griseum_BidwellPendrell_Cutler_20171020_162040.jpg Acer-griseum_BidwellPendrell_Cutler_20171020_162114.jpg

    This is not exactly a street tree, though it's in a traffic diverter on the street outside my building at Bidwell and Pendrell; it's part of the Greens Streets program, planted and cared for by a resident on the block. I don't know the name of this A. palmatum cultivar. If I see the guy who planted it and if he knows, I'll put the name in.
    Acer-palmatum_PendrellBidwell_Cutler_20171020_162422.jpg Acer-palmatum_PendrellBidwell_Cutler_20171020_162430.jpg
    ROEBUK, AlainK and 0soyoung like this.
  23. jfuller

    jfuller New Member

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    Vancouver BC
    Here is a little maple on Hastings near Renfrew I see every day on the way home that catches my eye. Despite the bushy habit, I find this tree draws my attention every time. It's got a nice flush of rose and orange right now.

    Plus another of the Peaches & Cream, really yellow right now with a bit of orange. To the right is Amber Ghost, no real difference from summer colour.

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  24. chimera

    chimera Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Fraser Valley, B.C. ,Canada
    The one on Hastings looks like it may be A.p. 'Sango Kaku'.
  25. JT1

    JT1 Contributor 10 Years

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    Euclid, OH USA
    Roebuk you sure do a nice job with your maples! Great colors on some very well grown trees. They truly reflect the love and passion you put into growing your trees. Well done!

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