I hardly know what to say, but thank you for posting this. I'm not sure I'm delighted to read this, but I don't know - they make pineapples that produce fruits out of season. Is this different?
What if researchers could find a way to make Japanese cherry trees bloom all year long . . . they wouldn't be so special anymore would they? Even twice a year is once too many. The delight of cherry blossoms and so many other flowering plants comes from the anticipation of their fleeting appearance at whatever time of year is right for them. We enjoy their beauty for a few weeks and then relish that memory for the better part of a year until we've almost forgotten how beautiful they are. It is the surprise and joy of seeing flowers bloom after waiting so long that makes them special. At least, that's how I feel about it.
They got me. Upon closer scrutiny the article was published on Apr 1, 2018 (April Fools' Day): What's the date today? | The Japan Times.