I'm an amateur photographer that loves to take photos of nature. Over the past 5 years I've taken so many photos of flowers and trees, most I know, but a lot...I really have no idea what they are. Since I've started trying to sell my photos, everyone wants to know what they are, so I'm hoping I can get some help here. I'd appreciate it so much. I guess I'll start with this one. It's a bush that's all around my apartment complex. I thought it was a holly but the leaves are rounded and seem to be slightly waxy. The photo with ice on the berries was just taken this past Saturday. We had snow that turned to ice the next day. So these berries are bright red in February. I live in South Carolina. The second photo was this past summer. It almost seems like I've never seen this bush without red berries. I guess I'll wait for a response before I bombard you all with photos. I know I can only send a few at a time. Hoping for some help and patiently waiting...really I am! hee hee Dawne