Well, I don't know how exotic it is, but it was part of a horticultural society's display at the recent San Francisco Flower and Garden Show. I thought the label read "protea" but I consulted someone at the Berkeley Horticultural Center and she was skeptical. She suggested maybe a cercis or disanthus, but admitted that those plants are probably too common to have been featured by a horticultural society. I don't have any more information, except the photo and my memory of the leaves being fairly matte & hearty-looking. Thanks for the insight, if anyone knows what this plant is! I am in love and want to try to acquire one! -- Sophia
Possibly Protea cordata: http://finebushpeople.co.za/prcordata1.jpg Sorry, couldn't find a better photo to send, but you can at least compare the one leaf pictured.
Thanka for the reply! I think you're right -- the heart shaped leaves are a defining feature. I've contacted that website whose link you posted -- finebushpeople.co.za -- to find out when they'll have seeds for sale again. Thank you again!