Exotic flowers at UBCBG

Discussion in 'Talk about UBC Botanical Garden' started by Nadia White Rock, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Nadia White Rock

    Nadia White Rock Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    White Rock Canada
    There are always something new!

    Cistanthe tweedyi= Lewisiopsis tweedyi=Lewisia tweedyi=Calandrinia tweedyi. Cute lewasia at the end of summer! (Alpine garden)
    Cistanthe tweedyi= Lewisiopsis tweedyi=Lewisia tweedyi=Calandrinia tweedyi.jpg

    I didn't find a tag for this one but looks like Hedychium. Tall plant with big leaves and big bright flowers! (Asian garden)
    Hedychium -question.jpg Hedychium-q,Zingiberaceae.jpg

    Nandina domestica from Barberry family what I could never understand and see similarity.Plant with long 2 and 3 pinnately compound leaves is covered with long conical clusters of small exotic flowers. Do flowers look like flowers of Barberry or Mahonia? (near Alpine garden)
    Nandina domestica-nandina-heavenly bamboo-sacred bamboo,Berbericeae.jpg

    Beautiful Watsonia fourcadei from South Africa looks like Gladiolus. (Alpine garden)
    Watsonia fourcadei.jpg

    Senecio cannabifolius looks so different from our everyday Senecios. It is very tall, has fancy leaves and bright autumn reminding color flowers. (Asian garden)
    Senecio cannabifolius-Jacobaea cannabifolia.jpg

    Maackia fauriei, Fabaceae, native to Korea is in bloom now. (Asian garden)
    Maackia fauriei-Fabaceae, Korea.jpg

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