Hi I have recently purchased a cacti off ebay and the seller wasn't sure what it was... they quoted it was a Cereus but it's clearly not... I have been told it's a Euphorbia but haven't been able to find out what species... the ebay seller said that candlelabra was part of the name but I'm not too sure of that, although it does kinda look like one. Any ideas/suggestions/help will be very appreciated.. Thanks for your time Chris cactigeek
What do you think guys? Plant of the Week: Euphorbia lactea Candelabra Plant http://www.plantoftheweek.org/week113.shtml Explains the Candelabra naming by the ebay seller ;)
It certainly looks like it Chris. No wonder you're growing cacti down there, no rain hey. Any on the horizon for you mate? Ed
I certainly hope so Ed... It's the warmest summer I can remember [I'm 25] and it's only just started! I've got all sorts of other plants aswell but yeh, cacti are by far the easiest to maintain... very water wise indeed... I've just been given a heap of C.peruvianus offcuts... 36 in total so i'll plant a few out in my yard and swap/sell the rest [they get too large in time to plant too many i am sure my landlord wouldn't appreciate it :P]