I was just wondering if anyone knows if the Euphorbia Leuconeura is dangerous to Parrots. It says on the net that the variety of euphorbia called a pencil cactus is dangerous, but since their is so many types I didn't know. This specific breed of euphorbia drips sweet sap. but I can understand that the milky latex blood of the plant could be harmful..cheers
Most, if not all, Euphorbia species have poisonous latex (white sap). I would work on the assumption that it is NOT safe for parrots.
Thank you for the quick response, now one more for you guys....Now I know that the avocado fruit is extremely toxic to birds, but what about a tree that bears no fruit are the leafs and stem toxic?. I have a one and a half year old Avocado I sprouted from seed, and I don't think in this northern climate it will fruit..
Not sure. Since parrots often 'chew' twigs, etc., to sharpen their bills, better to be safe than sorry and keep them apart (as much for the plant as the parrot!).