Euphorbia decaryi

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by BikerDoc5968, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. BikerDoc5968

    BikerDoc5968 Member

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    Michigan USA
    This is my E. decaryi....not grown the best because it is getting a bit too much sun, hence the dark color to the leaves. My question is this: I would like to propagate from cuttings of this plant. Some of the longer branches could be cut to give the plant a more symmetrical look, but I've never done this with Euphorbia. Is it just like taking a cutting from Echeveria or other succulents of this type? Cut, callous, plant? If E. decaryi won't grow from cuttings, then I will enjoy my plant as it is. Thanks for your insight.

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  2. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    yes, same procedure of cut, callous, plant.

    the thing with euphorbia is that they will give off a white sap when cut. this sap can be very irritating, so, i'd recommend wearing latex or non-latex gloves while you're doing the pruning and you can dip the cut ends into a small cup of water to stop the flow of the sap. then let them dry thoroughly for at least a week - 2 weeks even better - and plant.

    whatever you do, take the gloves off BEFORE touching any areas of your face - especially the eyes, nose, mouth...these are spots where you definitely don't want to get the sap on as it would be very painful (even if your skin is not sensitive to it, any area that is mucousy will still be).

    hmm, would you be interested in doing a trade?? that's not something i have and i like the looks of it! i have quite a few things for inside as well as outside that i can share. let me know :)
  3. BikerDoc5968

    BikerDoc5968 Member

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    Michigan USA

    Thanks... I used to grow Euphorbia in a large GH, but some life changes and moving around, my succulent collection isn't what it was... not even close! I know about the sap and used to just dip the cut ends in sand. I'd be happy to send you a cutting or two.... I do have a GH but only 8 x 15. You can see the succulents currently are just in the upper shelf in the back corner and play 2nd fiddle to the chids...orchids


    Since, I don't know what you grow/have, I don't know about trades .... but this summer I will cut this and send you a piece.... keep in touch.

    I also have several seedling of these: E. viguieri and leuconeura. The larger viguieri is about 18" tall. Both produce numerous seeds, so they are relatively easy to grow. The last pic is of decaryi.


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    Last edited: Mar 11, 2009
  4. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    i wasn't sure if you knew about the, best to step on someones toes with an unneeded warning instead of not saying something and then a problem occurs :)

    oh! the e. lueconeura is gorgeous!! i'd gotten seeds for that in a trade a couple years ago - never did try to get them to germinate. you plant looks much nicer than hers - are there different varieties of it? hmm, i wonder if the seeds would still be viable?

    the e. viquieri is nice, too! i've not seen that one before.

    WOW!! what a greenhouse!! i love all the orchids!! i love them and have tried growing them and have been completely unsuccessful. i just can't get the conditions right for them.

    once i get my plant room situated and completely done up, maybe i'll try some again. i really do love them! i really can't do a greenhouse outside...yard is too narrow and i doubt it would stay protected from nosy neighbor kids (or their parents), so, i'm converting a bedroom to a plant room...the plus, since it's heated, is that i can have some things growing over winter rather than having to let them go dormant - brugmansia, for example.

    i sent you a pm.

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