We have moved house and have been told that the tree in our back garden is a Eucalyptus tree, this has short leafs on and shed's its bark and leafs which is very messy, we are not to sure if we can take this tree down or not or can you tell us are these tree's protected?
To find out if a tree is protected or not, ask your local council's Arboricultural Officer. Tree Preservation Orders are made on an individual tree-by-tree basis, it doesn't depend on what species of tree it is.
Hey Julieann, I assume you are in Luton, UK, but wherever one is located, if you have large trees on your property that you want to take down, there may be local restrictions. The laws vary from place to place. You have to check with your local government. (These laws are generally made at the municipal level, but could be at regional or federal levels if the plants in question are rare or endangered.) So Julieann, do you want to replace the tree with something less messy?